Litany to Saint Margaret of Castello

The Litany to Little St. Margaret of Castello beautifully honors her virtues, reminding us how deeply Jesus cares for the marginalized and poorest, especially those most in need of His mercy.

Saint Margaret of Castello was born with several physical disabilities—she was a hunchback, blind, and had difficulties walking. Despite being walled next to a chapel for 14 years and abandoned by her parents at a shrine, Margaret grew in virtue and fame. Renowned for her deep spirituality and compassion, she became a patroness for the suffering and marginalized. Her body remains incorrupt, underscoring her saintly legacy.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, hear us.

Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother of God, pray for us

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us

St. Margaret of Castello, pray for us.

St. Margaret of Metola, pray for us.

St. Margaret, spouse of the Lord Jesus, pray for us.

St. Margaret, daughter of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us.

St. Margaret, devotee of St. Joseph, pray for us.

St. Margaret, image of Holy Father Dominic, pray for us.

St. Margaret, lustrous pearl of the Most High, pray for us.

St. Margaret, virginal lily of the Mantellate, pray for us.

St. Margaret, chosen vessel of Lady Poverty, pray for us.

St. Margaret, ardent apostle of charity, pray for us.

St. Margaret, pattern of Eucharistic piety, pray for us.

St. Margaret, mirror of prayer and penance, pray for us.

St. Margaret, model of mercy and compassion, pray for us.

St. Margaret, patroness of the blind and the disabled, pray for us.

St. Margaret, servant of the sick and the outcast, pray for us.

St. Margaret, comfort to the afflicted, pray for us.

St. Margaret, relief to the abandoned, pray for us.

St. Margaret, strength of the burdened, pray for us.

St. Margaret, hope of the unwanted, pray for us.

St. Margaret, shelter for the homeless, pray for us.

St. Margaret, advocate for the aborted, pray for us.

St. Margaret, blind but illumined by Christ, pray for us.

St. Margaret, lame but animated by Christ, pray for us.

St. Margaret, deformed but conformed to Christ, pray for us.

St. Margaret, dwarfed but restored in Christ, pray for us.

St. Margaret, wondrous heart of pearls, pray for us.

St. Margaret, incorruptible sign of salvation, pray for us.

St. Margaret, glorious intercessor before the throne of God, pray for us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Pray for us, St. Margaret of Castello, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.

O God, who made the virgin Saint Margaret of Castello strong by the power of Christ, grant, we pray, that, through her intercession, we may so boast in our weaknesses as to merit the grace of life eternal. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

Information Reference 

Pope Francis canonized Saint Margaret of Castello, recognizing her enduring witness to Christian love and resilience amidst profound personal challenges. Margaret, who faced rejection and significant physical disabilities, exemplifies how one can live Christ’s teachings through compassion and solidarity with the marginalized. Her canonization highlights her role as a beacon of sanctity for all, especially those who feel neglected or excluded. Notably, she is also revered as a patroness of the pro-life movement, advocating for the dignity and value of all human life. This recognition invites the faithful to have confidence in Saint Margaret, seeing her as a potent intercessor and a vivid embodiment of God’s mercy, showing that holiness can indeed thrive against all odds.