Celebrating the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima, First Day of the Fatima Apparitions was May 13, 1917

 Our Lady of Fatima refers to the Marian apparitions reported by three shepherd children, Lucia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto, in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. The apparitions occurred six times between May 13 and October 13, 1917. The Virgin Mary, referred to as “Our Lady of the Rosary,” appeared to the children and delivered messages calling for prayer, repentance, and consecration to her Immaculate Heart.

The most notable of these apparitions was on October 13, 1917, when a large crowd witnessed the “Miracle of the Sun.” This event was reported by many witnesses and involved the sun appearing to dance and change colors in the sky. The apparitions of Fatima have since become a significant event in the Catholic Church, leading to the establishment of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima, which attracts millions of pilgrims annually.

Our Lady of Fatima

“Pray the Rosary every day, in order to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war.” (May 13, 1917)

“My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God.” (June 13, 1917)

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.” (July 13, 1917)

St. Jacinta Marto, one of the three Fatima seers

“Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask graces from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wants the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be venerated at His side.”

St. Padre Pio

“Let us love Our Lady and make her loved; always recite the Rosary and recite it as often as possible.”

“Love the Madonna and pray the Rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.”

St. Padre Pio

“Go to the Madonna. Love her! Always say the Rosary. Say it well. Say it as often as you can! Be souls of prayer. Never tire of praying, it is what is essential. Prayer opens the Heart of God, it obtains necessary graces!”

Pope Benedict XVI

“The Rosary, when it is prayed in an authentic way, not mechanically and superficially, but profoundly, it brings, in fact, peace and reconciliation. It contains the healing power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, invoked with faith and love at the heart of each Hail Mary.”

St. "Mother Theresa" of Calcutta

(coming soon)

Timeline of the Apparitions of Fatima

    • May 13, 1917: First apparition

      • The Virgin Mary appears to three shepherd children, Lucia dos Santos and her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, at the Cova da Iria in Fatima, Portugal.
      • She asks the children to return on the 13th of each month for the next six months and to pray the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world and end the war.
    • June 13, 1917: Second apparition

      • Our Lady reveals her Immaculate Heart and tells the children that Jesus wishes to establish devotion to her Immaculate Heart.
      • She predicts the early deaths of Francisco and Jacinta.
    • July 13, 1917: Third apparition

      • The Virgin Mary gives the children three secrets:
        1. A vision of hell.
        2. Prophecies about the end of World War I, the rise of World War II, and the need for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
        3. A vision of the suffering of the Pope and other religious persecutions.
      • She again emphasizes the importance of the Rosary and prayer.
    • August 13, 1917: Fourth apparition (delayed)

      • The children are prevented from going to the Cova da Iria due to their detention by local authorities.
      • The Virgin Mary appears to them on August 19 at Valinhos and repeats her request for prayer and penance.
    • September 13, 1917: Fifth apparition

      • Our Lady tells the children that in October she will perform a miracle so that all may believe.
      • She continues to emphasize the importance of the Rosary.
    • October 13, 1917: Sixth and final apparition

      • The Miracle of the Sun occurs, witnessed by a large crowd estimated to be between 50,000 to 70,000 people.
      • The Virgin Mary identifies herself as “Our Lady of the Rosary” and again calls for prayer and penance.
      • The sun appears to dance in the sky, change colors, and move erratically, convincing many of the authenticity of the apparitions.

The Five First Saturdays Devotion

  • The Five First Saturdays Devotion is a Catholic practice requested by Our Lady of Fatima. It consists of specific acts of devotion performed on the first Saturday of five consecutive months. The purpose of this devotion is to make reparations for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Here is a bulleted explanation of the requirements and significance:

    • Confession

      • Make a sacramental confession within eight days before or after the first Saturday of the month.
      • The intention should be to make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
    • Holy Communion

      • Receive Holy Communion on the first Saturday of each month.
      • The intention should be to make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
    • Five Decades of the Rosary

      • Recite five decades of the Rosary on the first Saturday of each month.
      • The intention should be to make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
    • Fifteen-Minute Meditation

      • Spend fifteen minutes meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary (one or more) in addition to reciting the Rosary.
      • The intention should be to keep Our Lady company and make reparation to her Immaculate Heart.


    • Reparation for Sins

      • This devotion aims to make reparation for sins and offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, such as blasphemies, ingratitude, and sacrilege.
    • Promise of Assistance at the Hour of Death

      • Our Lady of Fatima promised that she would assist at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for salvation to those who complete this devotion.
    • Spiritual Benefits

      • The practice deepens one’s relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary and strengthens one’s commitment to the faith through regular acts of devotion.
    • Promotion of Peace

      • By fulfilling the requests of Our Lady of Fatima, devotees contribute to her call for prayer and penance, which is believed to bring about peace in the world and the conversion of sinners.

    This devotion, given by Our Lady of Fatima, is a powerful means of seeking grace, forgiveness, and spiritual growth through consistent acts of piety and reparation.

Watch Gabriel Castillo talk about Our Lady of Fatima

The approved visions and messages of Mary at places like Lourdes and Fatima have profoundly impacted the Catholic faith. These apparitions, recognized by the Church, convey messages of prayer, penance, and conversion. At Lourdes, Mary appeared to Saint Bernadette, emphasizing healing and the power of faith. In Fatima, her messages to the shepherd children highlighted the importance of the Rosary and the need for world peace. These Marian apparitions continue to inspire and guide the faithful, offering hope and a call to deepen their spiritual lives.

Gabriel Castillo of “GabiAfterHours” shares a powerful testimonial about Our Lady of Fatima for the Franciscans of the Immaculate. He talks about the miracles seen by the shepherd children and the importance of Mary’s message to pray, do penance, and change our lives. Castillo’s words remind us of how important and relevant the message of Fatima is for everyone today.

Gabriel Castillo of “GabiAfterHours” emphasizes how the Rosary can help us navigate the crisis of our present culture, offering a means to connect with God and find peace amidst modern challenges. Castillo’s words remind us of the enduring importance of Fatima’s message and the Rosary in today’s world.